Friday, October 18, 2013

785.5 Kilometers

We are poised, mere footsteps it seems from Santiago de Compostela. Powering through a vigorous 40 km yesterday to Salceda, followed by another 23 km today to Monte de Gozo (Hill of Joy), we are standing 4.5 km from the Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. We are so close to the place that has been pulling us forward, tugging gently and sometimes insistently at our forward momentum. 

It is funny how the Camino can show herself in so many shades. We have walked through green and lush, golden and dry, buzzing and bustling, and sudden silent stillness. These past two days have been some of the most solitary of our entire walk. Somehow, going the extra distance of 40 km has left us in an in between place, bridged between groups of pilgrims. So it has been that we have passed from 65 to 5 km, and oft found ourselves alone.

The sheer numbers of this walk astound me. We have walked just shy of 790 km, 490 mi. We have crossed almost an entire country, eaten loaves upon loaves of bread, hiked up our cholesterol with daily eggs and cheese, slept in some dicey albergues and a few beautiful ones. We have met countless walkers, pilgrims, holiday-ers, and good Samaritans. 

I am excited, and actually a little bit nervous to finish. Part of me yearns to return to the familiar, a place where I feel simply home following this month of walking. But I have so much yet to learn about my own independence and my own dependence. I have a ways yet in this journey of the year, and it is ultimately just a small bit of my overall journey. Everyday it is imperative to work to quiet the roar of negativity and to live a life more peaceful. So really, the work is always in progress. I am grateful for this unbelievable journey, especially right after leaving the Navy. 

Today, Kelsey and I spoke about hope and the goodness of people. Walking side by side, jumping from topic to topic, she, along with so many people in my life, are my examples of goodness. Kindness and patience. Everything else will follow. 

Tomorrow to Santiago, a pause, and then walking to the end of the world. 

1 comment:

  1. Mikaela! What an inspiration this blog has been - it is the first thing I check in the morning and I am really enjoying following along with your journey! Good luck on your last few steps and I can't wait to hear about your next adventure!
